As the European Office of the municipalities of Baden-Württemberg, we see ourselves not only representing the interests of our members, but also acting as a mouthpiece for them. Our goal is to keep the administrations in the municipalities, cities and counties up to date on current municipal issues.
As an office community, we publish our joint newsletter Brüssel Aktuell every two weeks. The newsletter serves the members of our state associations as a reliable source for European affairs of local authority relevance. In Brüssel Aktuell the speakers of the European Offices inform about current developments, legislative procedures as well as judgments and point out circumstances relevant for municipalities. For an overall view of the range of topics covered, this section provides access to an abridged version of the current issue, the current annual overview and the archiv.
Our tasks also include the co-organization of delegations, training seminars and events. The last are to offer a public platform for the municipal-european exchange and thus contribute to a sensitization for the municipal interests with regard to current EU decision-making processes.